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Pythium Insidiosum


Dr. Leonel Mendoza has studied Pythium insidiosum since 1981 in Costa Rica, where he described the infection in horses and developed several serological tests to help in the diagnosis of Pythiosis in the clinical laboratory. During his early years of research, Dr. Mendoza discovered immunotherapeutic (Pythium vaccine) approach to treat pythiosis in equines. In 1996, Dr. Mendoza became faculty of the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program at Michigan State University. Since coming to Michigan State University, Dr. Mendoza has been instrumental in helping healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating Pythium insidiosum. "Common mistakes in diagnosis of P. insidiosum occurs frequently because it mimics other infections, and most healthcare professionals will treat with antibiotics, which does not cure this disease", said Dr. Mendoza. Today, the vaccination has been patented and is now available for treatment of all animals (including humans) by Panamerican Veterinary Labs. (www.pavlab.com)

Read more on Dr. Mendoza here.

Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program/Department of Microbiology
Michigan State University
North Kedzie Hall
354 Farm Lane, Room N324
East Lansing MI 48824-5672

Phone: 517-432-1234
Fax: 517-432-2006
E-mail: mendoza9@msu.edu